joi, 15 martie 2012


Am upload-at tema gingerbread si ring no fade pentru 2.2.2 si 2.3(pe toate le gasiti la rubrica tutoriale punctele 7 si 8).

Am gasit mai apoi launcher-ele de pe Saunsung Galaxy S/SII(TouchWiz). Daca vreti sa aruncati o privire puteti vizita acest topic. Dar daca vreti sa testati mai multe launchere si sa vedeti care va place puteti intra aici.

Mai apoi, am gasit cateva custom rom-uri. De exemplu:

1.DoozzzedUI MIUI 4.0 PORT ALPHA 2b {Based on CM9}

Un rom interesant, bazat pe CM9 al lui Lupohirp, seamana putin cu ics-ul, de exemplu atunici cand intri in setari, acolo se aseamana, desi tema este diferita. Atentie: merge numai pe new baseband(.35 kernel).

Nota: Pentru suport xda vizitati acest topic.

Whats Working

- Full HWAcceleration
- 3D
- Sensors
- Electron Beam OFF
- Gallery
- Bluetooth
- Audio
- Theme Chooser [Yeah it works....]
- WiFi
- Market
- Overclockable
- Browser
- Gmail


- All bugs reported in CM9 BETA 4 Testing
- Data doesnt work
- Keyboard doesnt work with stock kernel, flash franco's kernel

    2. Orshaz ROM 2.1[2.3.7][NEWBB][.35][CM NIGHTLIES BASED]

    Daca va place ics-ul(oficial), si ati vrea sa il puneti si voi pe telefon, desi nu se poate atunci puteti flash-ui acest rom care are tema de ics, si pe langa asta arata si destul de bine. Este bazat pe CM7 nightlies si merge numai pe new baseband dupa cum spune si titlul(.35 kernel).

    Nota: Pentru suport xda vizitati acest topic.

    20120305 Nightly (NEW BASEBAND)
    .35 kernel
    Gallery3D replace with QuickPic
    360 Launcher
    Bootanimation: CM9
    HW/A ON
    JIT ON
    ICS animations/transitions/rotate animation
    ICS theme added
    ICS font
    Data/apps enabled (you can uninstall some added apps, what you don't need)
    V6 Supercharger
    loopy smoothness tweak
    3g tweak
    patched sqlite3
    Probably you will get market, android.e-mail, rom manager FC, if you flash itfrom any versions of CM nightlies
    Camera app sometimes get FC. Solution: Install titanium backup program, make a backup from lgCamera, uninstall the Camera app, and then restore.

      3. IOSdroid M1

      Daca va place sistemul de operare iOS, si ati vrea sa aveti un iPhone sau iPod sau orice alt iDevice, puteti instala IOSdroid M1. Este bazat pe CM7.

      Nota: Pentru Suport xda vizitatia acest topic.

      "Hi guys! this is a iphone os like rom's port for our beloved lg optimus one
      it is the joy os port
      it is based upon cm nightly 5/3/2012"
    is smooth like hell
      2.custom iphone like laucher
      3.swipe to remove notifications
      4.the fluid like lockscreen like iphone
      5.i whole new iphone themes power off options
      6.iphone themes call manager
      7.a switch in notifications like miui
      8.iphone themed music player AND video player though music lpayer has the option to play the videowhich has cool album flib veiw in landscape
      9.a whole new settings page with iphone styled everything
      10.theme chosser
      11.i am tired telling many more to explore
      1.slightly displaced status bar
      2.chinese in notification drawer(switch) and in calender
      3.long press home button gives a restart(not reboot)

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