vineri, 16 martie 2012


Acum cateva zile, lupohirp a updatat ics-ul pentru telefoanele noastre, astfel ajungand la BETA 4. Daca vreti sa il incercati puteti intra aici, si mai apoi descarcati si gapps(eu o am pe aceasta). Dupa ce flash-uiti romul, restartati, apoi flash-iti gapps si restartati. De curand am aflat ca atunci cand flash-uiesti un rom e bine sa dai format la /system si /boot pentru ca instalarea romului sa fie mai rapida si mai "clean". Deci in mare parte pasii de instalare a unui rom sunt:

wipe la data/factory, cache, dalvik cache, format /system, format /boot, wipe battery stats si apoi instalati ROM-ul.

     Acum daca vreti puteti citi ce merge si ce nu in ics:

    This is cyanogenmod 9 compiled from source 
    What works:
    Full HWAcceleration
    3D(??????) TESTT ITTTT )))
    Sensors( tried accelerometer)
    Electron Beam OFF
    Offline charging
    Another thing that i forgot now 
    USB (mass storage switch doesn't work flash superuser to resolve it next release i will try to resolve it natively )
    TOUCHSCREEN!!!! big thanks to arjien that pointed me to that patch 
    Another thing that i don't remember now 
    Had the time to patch system to work with all recoveries (no more asserts problem)
    Fixed data
    Fixed wifi
    Fixed hardware lights
    FIxed brightness settings
    Fixed google sync (but with gmail you can't see email for the same reason forthe browser
    Fixed market
    Can browser internet with opera
    Fixed native usb (UMS still doesn't work anyway)
    Another thing that i don't remember :P
    What doesn't works:
    and other things 
    in other words a fully functionally rom!

      Pentru cei care vor sa testeze diferite romuri sau kerneluri puteti intra aici, pentru o mica lista dar cu detalii despre fiecare in parte sau puteti vizita acest topic pentru o lista cu majoritatea rom-urilor si kernel-urilor pentru optimus one.

      Apoi, daca nu stiti ce sunt governors(de exemplu in setCPU si nu numai), puteti intra aici unde veti gasi aproape despre toti cate ceva(fiecare la ce e bun, pentru ce se foloseste etc.)

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